1) How polyembryony can be commercially exploited ?
1. It is the development of more than one embryos, inside the seed and the condition is described as polyembryony.
2. It is the occurrence of more than one embryo in a seed which consequently results in the emergence of multiple seedlings.
3. This condition increases the chances of survival of new plants.
4. Nucellar embryos are genetically identical to parent plants hence we get uniform plants.
5. In horticulture we can utilize these as rootstock for grafting, hence they have significant role in fruit breeding programmes e.g. Citrus, Mango.
2) Pollination and seeds formation are very crucial for the fruit formation, Justify.
1. After fertilization, ovary is transformed into fruit, where ovary wall becomes fruit wall,i.e pericarp.
2. Mature ovules are transformed into seeds after fertilization.
3. Fertilization is a process where male gametes unites with female gamete to form zygote which develops into embryo.
4. In pollination process pollen grains carrying non-motile male gamete are transferred on stigma.
5. Seeds have embryo which germinate into new plant hence the goal of reproduction to create offspring for next generation is achieved. Hence these are the crucial events for fruit formation.