Class 11 Biology Chapter 6- Anatomy of Flowering Plants NEET MCQ DPP



Chapter 6- Anatomy of Flowering Plants

DPP - 1 Which of the following is feature of meristematic tissue-

(A) Dense cytoplasm

(B) Large nucleus

(C) Cell wall primary

(D) all


Vacuoles are absent in -

(A) Parenchyma cells

(B) Collenchyma

(C) Mesophyll cell

(D) Meristimatic cells

Meristimatic cells

Which of the following is Not present in Permanent tissue-

(A) Meristem

(B) Parecnhyma

(C) Collenchyma

(D) Sclerenchyma


Primary organs are product of process-

(A) Differentiation

(B) Dedifferentiation

(C) Redifferentiation

(D) All


From following- Stem branch, Apical meristem, Stem and Primary root , Flower How many are product of differentiation-

(A) Two

(B) Three

(C) Four

(D) one


Root branch is product of -

(A) Differentiation

(B) Dedifferentiation

(C) Redifferentiation

(D) All


Cork cambium is product of -

(A) Differentiation

(B) Dedifferentiation

(C) Redifferentiation

(D) All


Meristem in monocot which regenerate part of plant eaten by Grazers-

(A) Lateral

(B) Apical

(C) Intercalary

(D) Vascular cambium


Primary phloem is derive from which meristem -

(A) Lateral

(B) Cork cambium

(C) Apical meristem

(D) Vascular cambium

Apical meristem

Which is incorrect about lateral meristem -

(A) It can be secondary meristem

(B) Appear in woody part of plant

(C) Not occur in monocot

(D) Undergo dediffrentiation

Undergo dediffrentiation

In root apical meristem position of meristem is -

(A) Lateral

(B) Distant most part

(C) Subapically

(D) Intercalary


Root cap protect ___ in root -

(A) Lateral meristem

(B) Primary meristem

(C) Secondary meristem

(D) All

Primary meristem

Secondary cortex is a product of process -

(A) Differentiation

(B) Dedifferentiation

(C) Redifferentiation

(D) All


Which of the following is incorrectly matched-

(A) Cork cambium - lateral

(B) Primary phloem - Primary tissue

(C) Leaf - non-woody part

(D) Intrafasicular cambium - Primary meristem

Intrafasicular cambium - Primary meristem

Which of the following meristem is present in Axillary bud-

(A) Lateral

(B) Cork cambium

(C) Primary meristem

(D) Secondary meristem

Primary meristem

Cork cambium is derive from

(A) Medullary rays

(B) Primary meristem

(C) Cortex

(D) Epidermis


Protoderm in root apical meristem give rise to

(A) Endodermis

(B) Epidermis

(C) Primary phloem

(D) Primary xylem


Cortex and pith derive from ___ in Apical meristem

(A) Protoderm

(B) Procambium

(C) Ground meristem

(D) All

Ground meristem

Secondary Xylem in root derive from -

(A) Protoderm

(B) Procambium

(C) Ground meristem

(D) none


Callus is ___.. meristem which is _..

(A) Primary, lateral

(B) Secondary,not lateral

(C) Primary, not laterla

(D) Permanent cell

Secondary,not lateral

Seocndary root is -

(A) Exogenous

(B) Endogenous

(C) Primary in nature

(D) Product of dediffrentiation


Leaf of dicot plants lack -

(A) Primary meristem

(B) Mesophyll cell

(C) Secondary meristem

(D) Stomata

Secondary meristem

DPP - 2 Consider the following statements S-I- Intercellular space is absent in collenchyma and Sclerenchyma S-II- Collenchyma cell have deposition of lignin Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

only S-I is correct

Mark the incorrectly matched-

(A) Lateral meristem - Cork cambium

(B) Protoderm - Give epidermis

(C) Parenchyma - Vacuole absent

(D) Parenchyma - Present in cortex

Parenchyma - Vacuole absent

Consider the following statements S-I Collenchyma is absent in Root S-II Collenchyma is present in petiole of dicot leaf Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

both S-I and S-II is correct

Role of Parenchyma is all Except -

(A) Storage

(B) Secretion

(C) Photosynthesis

(D) Mechanical


Photosynthetic parenchyma is also known as ….. in leaf -

(A) Collenchyma

(B) Aerenchyma

(C) Mesophyll cell

(D) Epidermis

Mesophyll cell

Epidermal cell which is photosynthetic is -

(A) Subsidiary cell

(B) Guard cell

(C) Both A and B

(D) Spongy parenchyma

Guard cell

Deposition present in parenchyma is -

(A) Cellulose

(B) Chitin

(C) Lignin

(D) Suberin


Collenchyma is present in -

(A) Young root

(B) Wood stem

(C) Young monocot leaf

(D) Young dicot leaf

Young dicot leaf

Which is true for both collenchyma and Sclerenchyma

(A) both are dead

(B) both photosynthetic

(C) both can be Mechanical

(D) both lignified

both can be Mechanical

Mark the incorrectly matched-

(A) Sclerenchyma - devoid of protoplast

(B) Collenchyma - Hypodermis of young stem

(C) Parenchyma- Secretion

(D) Sclereids- Present in Xylem

Sclereids- Present in Xylem

Consider the following statements S-I Parenchyma cells form bulk of plant tissues S-II Vacuole is present in both collenchyma and Sclerenchyma Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

only S-I is correct

Mark the incorrectly matched-

(A) Sclerenchyma - Elongated cell

(B) Apical Meristem - Primary meristem

(C) Cortex of Stem - Intercellular space present

(D) Sclerenchyma - Multiple plasmodematal connection

Sclerenchyma - Multiple plasmodematal connection

Consider the following statements S-I Sclerenchyma is classified on the basis of form origin and Function S-II Fibre are dead Cells and Present in Group Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

both S-I and S-II is correct

Mark the incorrectly matched-

(A) Xylem Fibre - Sclrenchyma

(B) Epidermis - Parenchyma cell

(C) Collenchyma - Photosynthetic and Mechanical

(D) Sclerenchyma - Pits absent

Sclerenchyma - Pits absent

Pits are location where -

(A) Deposition is high

(B) Deposition is present

(C) Deposition of pectin Absent

(D) Deposition of lignin is Absent

Deposition of lignin is Absent

Consider the following statements S-I Pits are present in Vessels and Tracheids. S-II Pits are absent in Fibre Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

only S-I is correct

Mark the correctly matched-

(A) Meristimatic cell - Vacuole present

(B) Parenchyma cell - Absent in Xylem

(C) Collenchyma - Present in patches in monocot

(D) Sclerenchyma - Dead cell and lack protoplast

Sclerenchyma - Dead cell and lack protoplast

Consider the following statements S-I Meristimatic cell lack vacuole S-II Large nucleus present in Meristimatic cell Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

both S-I and S-II is correct

Mark the incorrectly matched-

(A) Apical Meristem - Give leaf

(B) Intercalary meristem - Increase length of node

(C) Cork cambium - Give Secondary cortex

(D) Guard cell - lack chloroplast

Guard cell - lack chloroplast

In permanent tissue more than one type of Cells are present -

(A) Xylem

(B) Fibre

(C) Parenchyma

(D) Collenchyma


Which of the following have role for conduction of water and Mineral -

(A) Phloem

(B) Parenchyma

(C) Xylem

(D) Xylem fibre


Mechanical support is provided by …………in Xylem -

(A) Xylem fibre

(B) Xylem Fibre, Tracheids

(C) Xylem Fibre, Tracheids and Vessels

(D) Parenchyma

Xylem Fibre, Tracheids and Vessels

In Gymnosperm ………… Tracheary Element is Absent -

(A) Fibre and Parenchyma

(B) Vessels

(C) Tracheids

(D) Parecnhyma


Similarity between Fibre and Tracheids are

(A) Pitted and Living

(B) Pitted, dead and Suberinised

(C) Pitted and Apoplast Pathway for water

(D) Lignified, Pitted and Dead

Lignified, Pitted and Dead

Perforations are present in ………… Xylem elements -

(A) Tracheids

(B) Vessels

(C) Xylem fibre

(D) Xylem parenchyma


Perforations present in Vessels help in -

(A) End to End to Conduction of food

(B) Lateral conduction of food

(C) End to End to Conduction of Water

(D) Lateral conduction of Water

Lateral conduction of food

Mechanical support of many Xylem Elements is due to -

(A) Lignin and Suberin

(B) Lignin

(C) Lignin and Cutin

(D) Suberin


Thickest cell wall is present in -

(A) Xylem fibre

(B) Xylem parenchyma

(C) Sclereids

(D) Vessels

Xylem fibre

Consider the following statements S-I Tracheids and Vessels both lack Protoplasm and Dead. S-II Tracheids and Vessels both Are for Apolplast movement Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

both S-I and S-II is correct

Ray parenchyma cells of Xylem is meant for -

(A) Storage

(B) Deposition

(C) Radial conduction

(D) Mechanical Support

Radial conduction

Consider the following statements S-I In secondary Xylem both Metaxylem and Protoxylem is present S-II In Root exarch Arrangement for Primary Xylem Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

only S-II is correct

Which of the following is not Product of Differentiation -

(A) Primary Xylem

(B) Protoxylem

(C) Metaxylem

(D) Secondary Xylem

Secondary Xylem

Consider the following statements S-I In dicot stem Exarch Xylem is present S-II In Primary and Secondary Xylem both have Xylem fibre Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

only S-II is correct

Vessels are absent in -

(A) Dicots

(B) Monocots

(C) All Spermetophyta

(D) Spermetophyta with naked seed

Spermetophyta with naked seed

Number of Lignified cell and living cell in Xylem is -

(A) two and three respectively

(B) three and one respectively

(C) one and three respectively

(D) two and one respectively

three and one respectively

Phloem fibre is Present in -

(A) Protophloem

(B) Metaphloem

(C) Primary Phloem

(D) Secondary Phloem

Secondary Phloem

Number of lignified cell in Phloem is -

(A) One

(B) Two

(C) Three

(D) Five


Role of companion cell in phloem is -

(A) Maintain pressure gradient in Phloem parenchyma

(B) Maintain Pressure gradient in Sieve tube

(C) Control activity of Sieve tube

(D) Both B and C

Both B and C

Shape of Phloem parenchyma is -

(A) Spherical

(B) Elongated

(C) Oval

(D) Polygonal


Phloem parenchyma lack Feature -

(A) Storage of food

(B) plasmodesmatal connection with Companion cell

(C) Radial water conduction

(D) Storage of Resins and Mucilage

Radial water conduction

Pit fields are -

(A) Perforations

(B) Depositions

(C) Plasmodesmatal connections

(D) Cytoplasm

Plasmodesmatal connections

Peripheral cytoplasm and Large vacuole is feature of -

(A) Phloem Parenchyma

(B) Phloem fibre

(C) Sieve tube

(D) Companion cell

Sieve tube

Bastfibre is present in -

(A) Dicot leaf

(B) Monocot leaf

(C) Dicot stem

(D) Monocot stem

Dicot stem

Albuminous cell is Present in Phloem of -

(A) Algae

(B) Bryophytes

(C) Gymnosperm

(D) All


Phloem parenchyma is present in -

(A) Monocot stem

(B) Monocot leaf

(C) Monocot root

(D) Dicot Stem

Dicot Stem

Which is not true for Metaphloem -

(A) Have sieve tube

(B) Derive from Primary Phloem

(C) Have Phloem Parenchyma in Dicot leaf

(D) Derive from vascular cambium

Derive from vascular cambium

DPP - 3 Ground tissue not involve -

(A) Protoxylem

(B) Medullary rays

(C) Cortex

(D) Pith


Similarity in Trichome and Root hair is -

(A) Epidermal outgrowth

(B) Unbranched

(C) Prevent Transpiration

(D) Secretory

Epidermal outgrowth

Epidermal cells have feature -

(A) Elongated cells

(B) No intercellular space

(C) Peripheral Cytoplasm

(D) All of the above

All of the above

Cuticle is not present on -

(A) Leaf

(B) Stem

(C) Root

(D) Both B and C


Lenticels are present on -

(A) Leaf epidermis

(B) Epidermis of Dicot stem

(C) Epidermis of monocot Stem

(D) Hypodermis of Root

Epidermis of Dicot stem

Stomatal Apparatus not include -

(A) Stomatal pore

(B) Guard cell

(C) Subsidiary cell

(D) Trichome


Chloroplast is Present in -

(A) Guard cell

(B) Subsidiary cell and Guard cell

(C) Epidermis of Green stem

(D) Root epidermis

Guard cell

Role of Chloroplast in Guard cell is -

(A) Help in Opening and closing of stomata

(B) produce food for Subsidiary cell

(C) produce sucrose

(D) All

Help in Opening and closing of stomata

Deposition of Suberin present on Epidermal cell of -

(A) Endodermis

(B) Cork layer of leaf

(C) Cork layer of Dicot stem

(D) Cork layer of monocot stem

Cork layer of Dicot stem

Trichome are hair like structure have feature all Except -

(A) Can be secretory

(B) Only stiff

(C) Branched and Unbranched

(D) Can be secretory

Only stiff

Structure present in Both Stem and leaf epidermis -

(A) Lenticel

(B) Stomata

(C) Bulliform cell

(D) Root hair


Structure which can be common in Dicot root and Dicot stem epidermis -

(A) Trichome

(B) Lenticel

(C) Cuticle

(D) Root hair


Radial bundle means -

(A) Xylem and Phloem at different radius in Stem

(B) Xylem and Phloem at different radius in root

(C) Xylem and Phloem at same radius in Stem

(D) Xylem and Phloem at same radius in leaf

Xylem and Phloem at different radius in root

Conjoint Bundle present in -

(A) Dicot root and Dicot leaf

(B) Dicot stem and Dicot leaf

(C) Monocot stem and monocot leaf

(D) Both B and C

Both B and C

Open Vascular Bundle means -

(A) Cambium between two Xylem

(B) Cambium present two Phloem

(C) Cambium Present between Xylem and phloem

(D) Cambium between Endodemris and cortex

Cambium Present between Xylem and phloem

Which is true for Vascular bundle of Dicot leaf -

(A) Conjoint open

(B) Conjoint close

(C) Conjoint Radial

(D) Radial and open

Conjoint close

In Radial Bundle position of protoxylem is

(A) Endarch

(B) Exarch

(C) Mesarch

(D) All


In conjoint close Bundle position of protoxylem is -

(A) Endarch

(B) Exarch

(C) Mesarch

(D) Diarch


If in stem Conjoint bundle is open ,this stem belong to -

(A) Sunflower

(B) Wheat

(C) Lily

(D) Onion


Ground tissue involve -

(A) Epidermis

(B) Lenticel

(C) Xylem fibr

(D) Pith

Xylem fibr

From following Examples- Pith, Cortex, Root hair, Stomata, Lenticel, Companion cell and medullary rays How many are part of ground tissue -

(A) Two

(B) Three

(C) Four

(D) Five


In dicot Guard cell inner wall is -

(A) Thin

(B) Suberinised

(C) Thick and Elastic

(D) Thin and inelastic

Thick and Elastic

Dumbell shape Guard cell present in leaf of

(A) Sugarcane

(B) Mango

(C) Pea

(D) Mustard


In Dicot root transverse section Suberin is present in -

(A) Epidemris

(B) Sugarcane

(C) Pericycle

(D) Pith


In Dicot root transverse section layer which is responsible to vascular cambium is -

(A) Epidermis

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Pith


Epiblema is Another name for-

(A) Epidermis

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Pith


In Dicot root transverse section layer which is responsible to vascular cambium is -

(A) Epidermis

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Pith


Epiblema is Another name for-

(A) Epidermis

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Pith


Stele in Dicot root include -

(A) Pith

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Both A and C

Both A and C

Ground tissue in Dicot root is -

(A) Parenchyma

(B) Collenchyma

(C) Sclerenchyma

(D) All


Which of the following is Part of stele as well as ground tissue

(A) Epidermis

(B) Primary xylem

(C) Cortex

(D) Pericycle


Barrel shape cells are ________ in Dicot root

(A) Pith

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Cortex


Which of the following in True for Dicot Root

(A) Endarch

(B) Polyarch

(C) Pith large

(D) Exarch


Which of the following is not multilayer in Dicot root -

(A) Epidermis

(B) Cortex

(C) Pericycle

(D) Pith


Layer of Dicot root Which give root branch is -

(A) Pith

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Cortex


Vascular Cambium develop Form ____. Layer in Dicot root -

(A) Epidermis

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Cortex


Which of The following is not Part of Stele in Dicot Root -

(A) Primary Xylem

(B) Protoxylem

(C) Metaxylem

(D) Epiblema


Feature of Monocot Root is -

(A) Endarch

(B) Diarch

(C) Pith large

(D) Polyarch


Few Structures are given - Epidermis ,Polyarch ,Large pith , Pericycle, Suberin in Endodermis - How many common in Dicot and Monocot root

(A) Two

(B) Three

(C) Four

(D) Five


Structure which is Common in Dicot stem and Dicot Root is -

(A) Collenchymatous Hypodermis

(B) Parenchymatous Pericycle

(C) Parenchymatous Endodermis

(D) Endarch bundle

Parenchymatous Endodermis

Starch sheath in Dicot stem is -

(A) Pith

(B) Hypodermis

(C) Endodermis

(D) Cortex


Mark the incorrectly matched -

(A) Pith in Dicot root - small

(B) Pericycle in Dicot stem - Parecnchyma

(C) Hypodermis in Dicot stem - Collenchyma

(D) Endodermis in Dicot Stem - Sclerenchyma

Endodermis in Dicot Stem - Sclerenchyma

Layer of Dicot stem which is Present as semilunar patch -

(A) Pith

(B) Endodermis

(C) Pericycle

(D) Cortex


Consider the following statements S-I Dicot Leaf lack bulliform cell S-II Medullary rays in Dicot stem form interfascicular cambium Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

both S-I and S-II is correct

Mark the correctly matched -

(A) Maize - Palisade parenchyma

(B) Mustard - Bulliform cell

(C) Sunflower stem - Radial Bundle

(D) Sunflower root - Exarch bundle

Sunflower root - Exarch bundle

Consider the following statements S-I Hypodermis is sclerenchymatous in Maize stem S-II Unequal size vascular bundle present in Maize stem Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrong

both S-I and S-II is correct

Water filled cavity is Feature of -

(A) Dicot stem

(B) Dicot root

(C) Monocot root

(D) Monocot stem

Monocot stem

Conjoint bundle in Ring is feature of -

(A) Dicot stem

(B) Dicot root

(C) Monocot root

(D) Monocot stem

Dicot stem

Mark the incorrectly matched -

(A) Cuticle present - In dicot lead

(B) Chloroplast present - Spongy parenchyma

(C) Sclerenchyma - Phloem fibre

(D) Phloem Parenchyma - Maize stem

Phloem Parenchyma - Maize stem

Consider the following statements S-I In isobilateral leaf vascular bundle is near equal size S-II In Dorsiventral leaf , Stomata on both Adaxial and Abaxial surface is same in number Answer the following-

(A) only S-I is correct

(B) only S-II is correct

(C) both S-I and S-II is correct

(D) both S-I and S-II is wrog

both S-I and S-II is correct

DPP - 4 Plant tissue is classified into meristimatic and permanent on the basis of -

(A) location

(B) capability to divide

(C) capability not todivide

(D) both B and C

both B and C

Which is correct about primary meristem

(A) present on root tip

(B) present on shoot tip

(C) produce primary tissue

(D) all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is primary meristem -

(A) interfasicular meristem

(B) fasicular cambium

(C) cork cambium in root

(D) vascularcambium in root

fasicular cambium

Which of following is completely secondary as well as lateral -

(A) phellogen in dicot root

(B) cork cambium in dicot stem

(C) vascular cambium in dicot root

(D) all


Meistem which is lateral but not secondary is-

(A) interfasicular meristem

(B) fasicular cambium

(C) cork cambium in root

(D) vascularcambium in root

fasicular cambium

Phloem fibre is generally absent in -

(A) monocot leaf

(B) monocot stem

(C) monocot root

(D) all


Phloem Parenchyma absent in -

(A) dicot leaf

(B) most monocot

(C) Primary phloem

(D) all

most monocot

Phloem parenchyma absent in -

(A) secondary phloem

(B) dicot stem

(C) dicot root

(D) monocot stem

monocot stem

Unequal size vascular bundle present in

(A) dicot leaf

(B) monocot stem

(C) dicot root

(D) both A and B

both A and B

Which is wrong about dicot stem-

(A) ground tissue having collenchyma

(B) sclerenchymatous pericycle

(C) endodermis is starch sheath

(D) circular shape vascular bundle

circular shape vascular bundle

Which of the following is incorrect regarding monocot root-

(A) endarch

(B) exarch

(C) radial bundle

(D) polyarch


Cuticle is present in -

(A) dicot root

(B) dicot leaf

(C) monocot root

(D) all

dicot leaf

Mark incorrect about monocot leaf -

(A) nearly equal size vascular bundle

(B) bulliform cells

(C) phloem parenchyma absent

(D) adaxial surface less stomata than abaxial surface

adaxial surface less stomata than abaxial surface

Which is common feature of dicot stem and dicot leaf vascular bundle-

(A) conjoint bundle

(B) open

(C) secondary growth

(D) close

conjoint bundle

Lenticels are absent in -

(A) Monocot stem

(B) monocot root

(C) monocot leaf

(D) all


Lenticels are absent in -

(A) dicot leaf

(B) monocot leaf

(C) dicot stem

(D) both A and B

both A and B

Stomatal apparatus include -

(A) guard cell

(B) subsidiary cell

(C) stomatal pore

(D) all


Which of the following is sap wood -

(A) primary xylem

(B) Csecondary xylem

(C) secondary phloem

(D) primary phloem

Csecondary xylem

Few features are given- lenticels, conjoint bundle,epidermis is of parenchyma and phloemparenchyma - this feature indicate the structure is-

(A) monocot stem

(B) dicot stem

(C) monocot root

(D) dicot root

dicot stem

Which is common about lenticels of stem and stomata in leaf of dicot-

(A) both can perform transpiration

(B) both is product of secondary growth

(C) in water stress both can be closed

(D) both is lined by guard cell

both can perform transpiration

Heart wood is dead and is mainly have -

(A) primary xylem

(B) secondary xylem

(C) both A and B

(D) secondary xylem

secondary xylem

Age of tree is can be calculated on counting

(A) secondary xylem

(B) dark ring

(C) light ring

(D) all


Fibre is present in all except -

(A) hypodermis of monocot stem

(B) pericycle of dicot stem

(C) bundle sheath cell in monocot stem

(D) hypodermis of dicot stem

hypodermis of dicot stem

Which of the following is absent in monocot stem

(A) pith

(B) pericycle

(C) endodermis

(D) all


Pith is present in -

(A) dicot stem

(B) monocot root

(C) monocot stem

(D) both A and B

both A and B

Vascular bundle present in ring in -

(A) dicot leaf

(B) monocot leaf

(C) dicot stem

(D) monocot stem

dicot stem

Which of the following is not product of dedifferentiation-

(A) phellogen

(B) complimentary cell

(C) vascular cambium in root

(D) cork cambium in stem

complimentary cell

Which of the following have waxy substance -

(A) phellem

(B) root endodermis

(C) cork layer

(D) all


Suberin is absent in -

(A) monocot root

(B) dicot stem

(C) dicot root

(D) monocot stem

monocot stem

Which of the following is responsible for connection between two sieve elements -

(A) pit fields

(B) sieve pore

(C) pit pair

(D) all

sieve pore

Bark include tissues like-

(A) secondary xylem

(B) primary xylem

(C) vascular cambium

(D) none


Which layer give vascular cambium in dicot root-

(A) pericycle

(B) tissue below phloem

(C) cortex

(D) both A and B

both A and B

Which is not feature of trichome-

(A) soft

(B) stiff

(C) multicellular

(D) unicellular


Trichome differ in root hair in-

(A) role

(B) location

(C) structure

(D) all


Which of the following is absent in root-

(A) chlorenchyma

(B) trichome

(C) chloroplast

(D) all


Which of the following is not part of ground tissue-

(A) medullary rays

(B) pericycle

(C) guard cell

(D) endodermis

guard cell

Which of the following is generally not unilayer-

(A) hypodermis in stem

(B) root epidermis

(C) leaf epidermis

(D) interafasicular cambium

hypodermis in stem

Which is present in sap wood-

(A) tannins and resins

(B) aromatic substance and oil

(C) minerals and water

(D) oil and gum

minerals and water

Which of the following show increase in circumference with time in secondary growth-

(A) cork cambium and vascular cambium

(B) secondary phloem and secondary xylem

(C) primary xylem and primary phloem

(D) all

cork cambium and vascular cambium

Which of the following remain intact during secondary growth-

(A) pericycle

(B) secondary phloem

(C) primary xylem

(D) cortex

primary xylem

When cork cambium show more activity towards outer side it produce-

(A) cork cell

(B) complimentary cell

(C) phellogen

(D) phelloderm

cork cell

Which of the following is part of outer bark-

(A) phellogen

(B) periderm

(C) secondary cortex

(D) phellem


Wavy ring form in case of -

(A) vascular cambium in stem

(B) cork cambium in stem

(C) cork cambium in root

(D) vascular cambiumin root

vascular cambiumin root

Which is correct about spring wood -

(A) lower density

(B) form from active cambium

(C) large size vessels

(D) all


Cells help to maintain pressure gradient in sieve tube

(A) phloem parenchyma

(B) companion cell

(C) Xylem parenchyma

(D) mesophyll cell

companion cell

Which is absent in root except-

(A) node

(B) cuticle

(C) guard cell

(D) lenticels


Large vacuole and peripheral cytoplasm is feature of -

(A) sieve tube

(B) tracheids

(C) vessels

(D) companion cell

sieve tube

Which of the following have pits-

(A) tracheids

(B) vessels

(C) parenchyma

(D) both A and B

both A and B

Which is apoplastic channel -

(A) sieve tube

(B) vessel

(C) tracheids

(D) both B and C

both B and C

Which is symplast channel-

(A) companion cell

(B) sieve tube

(C) tracheids

(D) vessels

sieve tube

Which type of cells are not part of cortex of stem-

(A) starch sheath

(B) hypodermis

(C) cortex

(D) pith


Which of the following is product of primary meristem-

(A) root branch

(B) stem branch

(C) primary xylem

(D) both B and C

both B and C

Which appear later in mature part of dicot stem and dicot root-

(A) primary xylem

(B) protoxylem

(C) phloem fibre

(D) epidermis

phloem fibre

Which can not be feature of parenchyma-

(A) thin walled

(B) closely packed

(C) intercellular space (D mechanical tissue

mechanical tissue

Which of the following can not be feature of monocot stem-

(A) stomata

(B) close vascular bundle

(C) fibre present in ground tissue

(D) lenticels


Which of the following is not product of primary meristem-

(A) epidermis

(B) endodermis

(C) complimentary cell

(D) primary xylem

complimentary cell

Which of the following is not bark-

(A) primary xylem

(B) phellogen

(C) phellem

(D) phelloderm

primary xylem

Which of the following is deposition in heart wood-

(A) tannins

(B) resins

(C) oils

(D) all


Interfasicular cambium derive from -

(A) pericycle

(B) pith

(C) medullary rays

(D) endodermis

medullary rays

Which is not present in ground tissue of dicot stem-

(A) parenchyma

(B) meristimatic cell

(C) collenchymas

(D) sclerenchyma

meristimatic cell

Secondary xylem close to protoxylem is a feature of -

(A) dicot root

(B) dicot stem

(C) monocot stem

(D) monocot root

dicot root

Pith is absent in-

(A) dicot stem

(B) monocot stem

(C) dicot root

(D) monocot root

monocot stem

Endodermis is absent in -

(A) dicot stem

(B) monocot stem

(C) dicot root

(D) monocot root

monocot stem

Which of the following is not feature of monocot-

(A) hydathodes

(B) lenticels

(C) root hair

(D) conjoint bundle


Sclerenchymatous tissue which is part of stele and not VB is in -

(A) dicot stem

(B) monocot stem

(C) dicot root

(D) monocot root

dicot stem

Mark the incorrect

(A) open vascular bundle present in dicot stem only

(B) close vascular bundle present in monocot stem and dicot leaf

(C) bulliform cells are photosynthetic

(D) phellogen is product of dedifferentiation

bulliform cells are photosynthetic

Which of the following undergo redifferentiation

(A) guard cell

(B) pericycle

(C) phellem

(D) phellogen


Consider the following-

(A) monocot leaf have equal size of vascular bundle except mid-vein

(B) dicot leaf show different size vascular bundle how many correct-

(A) only a

(B) only b

(C) both correct

(D) both wrong

both correct

Epidermis, cork, secondary xylem , secondary phloem , primary xylem, pith,complimentary cells andsecondary cortex how many product of redifferentiation

(A) Five

(B) four

(C) six

(D) seven


Product of secondary meristem most closer to vascular cambium-

(A) primary xylem

(B) phelloderm

(C) secondary phloem

(D) phellem

secondary phloem

Which of the following is not location for collenchyma-

(A) hypodermis of dicot stem

(B) leaf petiole

(C) root pericycle

(D) all of the above is not location

root pericycle

Which is not feature of monocot root -

(A) radial bundle

(B) casparian strip

(C) small pith

(D) cork absent

small pith

Consider the following matched-

(A) hypodermis of monocot stem - sclerenchyma

(B) pericycle of root - parenchyma

(C) xylem fiber - sclerenchyma

(D) hypodermis of dicot stem - collenchyma How many are correctly matched-

(A) one

(B) two

(C) three

(D) four


Which of the following is lateral but not product of redifferentiation-

(A) secondary xylem

(B) secondary phloem

(C) cork cambium

(D) all of the above

cork cambium

Consider the following-

(A) intercellular space present in collenchyma

(B) guard cell is photosynthetic how many are correct-

(A) only a

(B) both correct

(C) only b

(D) both wrong

both correct

Which of the following is not feature of monocot leaf-

(A) radial bundle

(B) open vascular bundle

(C) starch sheath in endodermis

(D) equal size vascular bundle

equal size vascular bundle

Which of the following is not part of inner bark -

(A) secondary xylem

(B) epidermis

(C) primary phloem

(D) secondary phloem

secondary xylem

Dicot leaf not have-

(A) mesophyll cell

(B) subsidiary cell

(C) phellem

(D) metaphloem


Pericycle of dicot stem is made up of

(A) collenchymas

(B) sclerenchyma

(C) parenchyma

(D) non of the above


Monocot leaf have all except -

(A) bulliform cell

(B) spongy parenchyma

(C) hydathodes

(D) primary xylem

spongy parenchyma

Which of the following is wrong-

(A) hypodermis of wheat stem can have sclerenchyma

(B) inner wall of guard cell is thick in dicots

(C) endodermis is starch sheath in monocot stem

(D) meristimatic cell have plasmodesmata

endodermis is starch sheath in monocot stem

Mark the correct -

(A) dicot leaf can show secondary growth

(B) trichome is unicellular always

(C) root cap not present in monocot root

(D) cork cambium is secondary meristem

cork cambium is secondary meristem

Consider the following statement-

(A) monocot root also have radial bundle

(B) spring wood give small number of vascular bundle which have less diameter Mark the correct-

(A) only a

(B) both correct

(C) only b

(D) both wrong

only a

Mark the wrong-

(A) bark is all tissue external to vascular cambium

(B) heart wood involve primary xylem

(C) Autummn wood appear dark ring in tropical plant

(D) phelloderm is dead layer

Autummn wood appear dark ring in tropical plant

Which of following is not product of dedifferentiation

(A) intra fascicular cambium

(B) cork cambium

(C) vascular cambium in root

(D) non of the above

non of the above

In which of the following part secondary growth occur-

(A) dicot root and dicot leaf

(B) dicot and monocot root

(C) dicot root and dicot leaf

(D) dicot stem and dicot root

dicot stem and dicot root

Which is wrong-

(A) In roots collenchyma is absent

(B) In dicot stem ground tissue have parenchyma , collenchyma and sclerenchyma

(C) periderm lack any dividing cell as its part

(D) phellem is dead parenchyma cells

periderm lack any dividing cell as its part

Complimentary cell arise from-

(A) periderm

(B) periderm

(C) phelloderm

(D) lateral meristem

lateral meristem

Mark the wrong -

(A) sieve tube cells have peripheral cytoplasm

(B) pit fields are present in between companion cell and phloem parenchyma

(C) phloem parenchyma absent in monocot

(D) both xylem vessel and tracheids have perforation

pit fields are present in between companion cell and phloem parenchyma

Which of the following is thick walled-

(A) pericycle in roots

(B) xylem fibre

(C) bundle sheath cell in dicot leaf

(D) all


Mark the correctly matched-

(A) Dicot stem- Eustele

(B) Monocot stem - phloem parenchyma present

(C) hypodermis in dicot stem - parenchyma

(D) dicot leaf - radial bundle

Dicot stem- Eustele

Consider the following-

(A) pericycle help in secondary growth in dicot root

(B) subsidiary cell in leaf epidermis vary in shape not size, compare to other epidermal cells how many correct-

(A) only a

(B) only b

(C) both correct

(D) both wrong

only a

Consider the following-

(A) stomata can also be present in dicot stem

(B) cortex in dicot stem is differentiated into different layers having different type of cells how many correct-

(A) only a

(B) only b

(C) both correct

(D) both wrong

both correct

Trichome, stomata, phloem parenchyma, pith, secondary xylem, phloem fibre -howmany canpresent in dicot stem -

(A) four

(B) five

(C) six

(D) three


Mark the incorrectly matched-

(A) lenticels-dicot root

(B) pericycle in dicot stem- fibre

(C) Monocot stem- water filled cavities

(D) Endodermis in root- suberin on radial wall not tangential wall

Endodermis in root- suberin on radial wall not tangential wall

Consider the following-

(A) vascular bundle,pericycle and pith is part of stele

(B) primary medullary rays is present between secondary xylem and seconday phloem how many correct-

(A) only a

(B) only b

(C) both correct

(D) both wrong

only a

Mark the incorrectly matched-

(A) soft bark- form early in season

(B) annual ring - secondary xylem

(C) complimentary cell- product of redifferentiation

(D) cortex of root - sclerenchyma

cortex of root - sclerenchyma

Consider the following-

(A) collenchymas and phloem parenchyma absent in monocot

(B) phloem fibre absent in dicot leaf how many correct-

(A) only a

(B) only b

(C) both correct

(D) both wrong

both correct

Mark the incorrectly matched-

(A) epidermis of root - product of differentiation

(B) fasicular cambium of dicot stem- product of dedifferentiation

(C) cork cambium - undergo redifferentiation

(D) secondary xylem- secondary tissue

cork cambium - undergo redifferentiation

Consider the following-

(A) palisade and spongy parenchyma have chloroplast

(B) aerial root like pneumatophore not have root cap how many correct-

(A) only a

(B) only b

(C) both correct

(D) both wrong

both correct

Consider the following-

(A) sap wood is conducting devoid of any lignin containing cells

(B) vascular cambium in root arise from pericycle how many correct-

(A) only a

(B) only b

(C) both correct (D) both wrong

only b

Mark the correctly matched-

(A) phellogen- oval shape cells

(B) Winter- autumn wood or early wood

(C) dicot leaf petiole- lack collenchymas

(D) cork cells - can present in dicot stem and dicot root

cork cells - can present in dicot stem and dicot root

Consider the following-

(A) secondary medullary rays also present in monocot stem

(B) trichome can be branched or unbranched how many correct-

(A) only a

(B) only b

(C) both correct

(D) both wrong

only b

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